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Chase, D. 2022. The Role of Culture in Public Health. In Essays on the Role of a DPH. Association of Directors of Public Health


Woods-Townsend, K., Taheem, R. and Sofaer, J. 2023. Change the beginning and you change the whole story; why adolescence is a window of opportunity for prevention of non-communicable disease. DOI:10.5258/SOTON/PP0032. Submission reference ANI238870


Wanick, V., Black, C., Hutton, C., Barker, M., Watts, A. 2024. Balancing Inequalities: A Board Game for Young People from Coastal Communities to Discuss Plausible Futures. In: Dondio, P., et al. Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14475. Springer, Cham. 


Leonard, N, Black, C., Kanakam, P., Sofaer, J. Barker, M. Woods-Townsend, K. 2023. Pathways to Health: A Peer Researcher Programme. Poster presented at the Pathways to Health mini-conference 04/07/2023


Kaur, J. and Peivani, M. 2023. Why do young people get involved in drugs and knife crime? Poster presented at the Pathways to Health mini-conference 04/07/2023


Almohaimeed, R. and Hussain, K. 2023. How do young people live a happy and healthy life? Poster presented at the Pathways to Health mini-conference 04/07/2023


Masood, Z. and Ibn-Masood, Z. 2023. Analysing the socio-ecological models of young people. Poster presented at the Pathways to Health mini-conference 04/07/2023


Sharif, Z. 2023. Why are more and more young people involved in drugs, gangs and knife crime? Poster presented at the Pathways to Health mini-conference 04/07/2023


Quinn-Parker, M. 2023. What effect has the pandemic had on the mental health of young people? Poster presented at the Pathways to Health mini-conference 04/07/2023


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